Introduction to Burn Scar Therapy
Introduction to Burn Scar Therapy
Friday & Saturday April 25-26th, 2025
Munfordville, Kentucky
Burn scars, in particular, have a very deep physical & emotional impact on the burn survivor. Massage & Burn Scar Therapy can profoundly help in the healing of both the physical & emotional scars. Burn Scar Therapy consists of Manual Lymph Drainage, Myofascial Scar Release, Craniosacral Therapy and Therapeutic Massage. In this workshop we will focus on Manual Lymph Drainage and Myofascial Scar Release. The lymph system is what carries away debris as you body is healing. Helping your lymph system to work as efficiently as possible is the first step to enhance healing. Myofascial Scar Release techniques can improve the health of your client's soft tissues by helping to prevent the formation of adhesions & fibroses in the area as well as addressing the scar itself to keep it pliable and mobile. In this workshop, you have the unique opportunity to learn Manual Lymph Drainage and Myofascial Scar Release techniques for burn scars AND get the opportunity to work on local Burn Survivors!
In Intro to Burn Scar Therapy you will learn:
- the stages of healing, factors that effect healing, and how that determines the appropriate treatment techniques
- the causes, degrees & classification of burns, and types of pathological scar tissue,
- the physical and psychological effects of burns.
- the role of the lymph system and its effects on healing as well as the scars effects on the lymph system.
- basic Manual Lymph techniques that you can incorporate into your scar treatments.
- Myofascial Scar Release techniques for each stage of healing.